We are very fortunate to live in a lovely village with many people who help to keep it looking good. BKV (Best Kept Village) are a group of residents that help to keep the flower beds blooming and the village looking stunning throughout the year. Many of the people who help BKV are also members of Eynsford Gardeners Club and together our group/club also looks after areas of the village as part of In Your Neighbourhood a campaign run by the RHS as part of Britain in Bloom.
Elm Cottages and Butcher Lane Group are one such group and are a collection of friends who help to keep clear an ancient lane that runs through our village. Only accessible on foot it leads away from the main road up behind residential properties towards the top fields of a local hill. Once thought to be the path that farmers would have brought cattle down from the fields to the river (and later onto the butchers!!) it now is mainly used by local residents to get home and dog walkers to access the fields.
From the beginning this groups aim was to keep the pathways clear, cutting back trees and bushes that grow into the lane and clearing detritus that had built up over the years, surprisingly they discovered that the lane had a real path (I know that does not sound that exciting but most people didn’t even know there was one!!)
With the addition of artwork to cover graffiti, done by a local artist and well worth a look, the lane has become a nice place to be which is not bad when you consider that 1 skip, 50 one ton bags and countless sacks of rubbish had to be cleared!